Monday, January 02, 2006

Hall of Awesome: Best Songs of 2005 Mixtape!

It's hard to pick your favorite albums of 2005. There are so many out there, most of which are excellent, but some are simply better than others. So, to give a second chance to the albums that didn't make the final cut, I've decided to cull one song from each to include in my Best Songs of 2005 Mixtape! These are not listed in order of preference, just the order in which they sound best in mixtape form. You can download the entire ZIP file (broadband connections preferred; it's over 70 MB) by clicking the YouSendIt link at the bottom of this post. Here's the tracklisting (along with brief reviews for select songs):

1. Bloc Party, "Like Eating Glass"
2. The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers, "Concerning Lessons Learned from the Aliens"

    I'll admit; the long-winded titles this band uses are ridiculous, but this song is a great one. Recommended by Funtime Ben over at Tracks Up the Tree, Prayers and Tears is a one-man band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and while the rest of the album (aptly titled The Mother of Love Emulates the Shape of Cynthia) doesn't hold up as well as this song, it's still an interesting listen.
3. Spoon, "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine"
4. United State of Electronica, "It Is On!"
5. Ben Folds, "Jesusland"
6. Bright Eyes, "Another Travelin' Song"
7. Death Cab for Cutie, "I Will Follow You Into the Dark"
8. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, "Oregon Girl"
9. Rogue Wave, "California"
10. Franz Ferdinand, "Eleanor Put Your Boots On"
11. Gorillaz feat. De La Soul, "Feel Good Inc."
12. Robbers on High Street, "Spanish Teeth"
13. Embrace, "Gravity"
    The best song Coldplay wrote in 2005 wasn't sung by them. In fact, they wrote this song for Brit-rockers Embrace, whom Coldplay had toured with in the past. Look for Coldplay's version to appear on the upcoming single for "Talk."
14. The Soundtrack of Our Lives, "Transcendental Suicide"
    Not much stood out on TSOOL's Origin Vol. I, their follow-up album to 2003's astounding Behind the Music. Not much except for this killer six-minute rock opus.
15. Imogen Heap, "Hide and Seek"
BONUS TRACK: Z-Trip feat. Supernatural and Murs, "Breakfast Club"

DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE SHEBANG HERE! Once again, the link's expired. Plus, I've thrown away the original ZIP file. You'll just have to wait until I release the Best Songs of 2006 mixtape, I guess.

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