Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wes Anderson Takes AMEX

I finally got the chance to catch Thank You for Smoking last night (which, by the way, was a hilarious movie), and I saw a commercial preceding the movie that I found most amusing. Now, everyone here knows of my outright hatred for ads before movies, but I'm willing to make an exception for this one.

You know that American Express ad that M. Night Shyamalan did for the Super Bowl? With all the weird shit happening, but it turned out it was all in his head? (Oh, that M. Night! Always gotta have a twist!) Well, uber-awesome filmmaker Wes Anderson was tapped to do a similar ad, and the results are hilarious.

The ad also features Jason Schwartzman and Waris Ahluwalia, the Sikh dude from The Life Aquatic, filming a scene from Anderson's new "spy thriller" (complete with hilariously bad dialogue and random car explosions). Suddenly, the camera spins around to reveal Anderson who tries to deliver a monologue about the American Express card, but is constantly interrupted by pressing matters involving the film (my personal favorite was what type of gun to use).

It's a great ad, but so far, there's no sign of it on the Internet. Does anybody have a clip of this ad that they can upload to YouTube or Google Video?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Man I found this link to the Wes Anderson AMEX commercial but it's a low quality version here's the link.