Wednesday, August 17, 2005

College: Day 1

First off, I decided to go ahead and make the header permanent. I won't be doing any more Photos of the Week. I will, however, keep looking for cool photos on Flickr and letting you know about them.

Anyway, just getting ready for the first day of college. Move-in went pretty smoothly, the room looks awesome, and I got to meet a lot of cool people on my floor.

Today, I start Philosophy and Perspectives in World Cinema. Guess which class I'm more excited about.

Hopefully, the Flicker Film Society will be getting back together before too long. Then, we can go back to what this blog was initially about: info on upcoming film productions that I would be working on.

Alright, FREE MUSIC!!

Rogue Wave, "10:1" (MP3)

The new song by Rogue Wave, a band people keep telling me to listen to. Well, I have...sort of. I've only heard this song (off the upcoming album of the same name) and "Kicking the Heart Out" (off their debut "Out of the Shadow") and both are excellent.

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