Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Art of the Strokes

Hey, I was skimming through a really cool book on graphic design entitled Genius Moves and noticed a certain German magazine cover, titled "Offset Buch und Werbekunst, no. 7" that looked a lot like the last single release by the New York rock band The Strokes.

Even if you don't like The Strokes, you got to admit they have a real cool art sense. They were, of course, art students before they formed the band! Here's some more of their album and single artwork:

Reptilia (uses the logo from the arcade game "Centipede")

Hard to Explain (piece is Shiro Kuramata's "Glass Chair")

Room on Fire ("War/Game," painting by Peter Phillips)

Hopefully, I'll be able to convince Nathan to record our next episode of Jump Cut tonight. We'll be reviewing Jonathan Caouette's iMovie opus Tarnation, I'll say a few words about Sin City and we'll put on our first comedy sketch! Well, maybe. We'll see...

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