Thursday, April 14, 2005

Cold and wet outside, podcastic and blog-tastic on the inside!

So, while the weather forcast for Wilmington is "generally shitty with 70% chance of shitty later tonight," I've decided to review some of the wide variety of podcasts that I listen to. To tell you the truth, podcasting has really changed how I go about my daily business. I hardly ever use my bike anymore, because if I walk to class instead, it takes longer, giving me more time to listen to new episodes of my favorite shows. But, unlike Deniz Rudin who claims to be subscribed to over 70 shows, I simply don't have the free time to constantly stay up-to-date with any more than 20. Okay, on with the reviews!

Daily Source Code hosted by Adam Curry

The podcast everyone starts with. He's basically the Headline News of podcasting. In each new episode, he'll rundown the latest headlines in podcasting, play a couple mashups and podcast promos, and throw in some witty remarks about living in England, podcast setups, the Michael Jackson trial, whatever! While his show is entertaining, it doesn't have much replay value. I usually toss new episodes after I've listened to them.

Rating: 3 out of 4

Coverville hosted by Brian Ibbott

ASCAP-licensed "Coverville" is just that, a bunch of cover songs. The show is very entertaining, as well as the music he plays. And the fact that he does three episodes a week(!) is just icing on the cake. Also, Sunday is request day so send him some e-mails! I've already gotten two songs on the show (the March 27 episode).

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

Catholic Insider hosted by Father Roderick Vonhogen

I got to admit, Father Roderick may be the hippest priest I've ever heard of! His show wouldn't be all that interesting if he didn't have such a high-quality setup. The best sound-seeing tours yet! On a previous episode, he takes us into his church and we can clearly hear choir music, bells, and various church sounds. Very, very impressive!

Rating: 3 out of 4

Chub Creek hosted by Dave and Gary

Two Canadian guys. Great songwriters. Funny sketch comics. Need I say more? Another cool thing about the show is they're on opposite sides of Canada so they trade sketches and songs back and forth. For proof of this show's genius, download episode 5 to listen to them reminisce about their old town carnival or episode 8 where they discuss sliding through cow patties when they were kids.

Rating: 4 out of 4

GoRadio hosted by Jeri and Nicole

A personal favorite because Jeri and Nicole spend their time talking about happenings in my hometown of Greensboro, NC. They have pretty fun banter going on between them and, since the show is funded by GoTriad Magazine, they usually sound very professional, featuring interviews with local Triad residents and playing some awesome local bands and stuff. If you're in the North Carolina area, give 'em a listen!

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

Insomnia Radio hosted by Jason Evangelho

Probably the most professional indie podcast you're gonna hear. If your local Top 40 radio station suddenly went indie, it'd sound a lot like Insomnia Radio. Usually an hour-long block of kickass music, with "Double Shot" episodes in-between where host Jason Evangelho will play two songs by two up-and-coming musicians. Definitely worth checking out!

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

It Stinks! The Movie Review Podcast hosted by Jason Tibor

Kinda like the "Reel Reviews," except host Jason Tibor reviews new movies, usually bad ones. Always nice to hear someone bashing the new slasher flick or shitty romantic comedy! (He hasn't updated the show since mid-March, so I'm not really sure if he's still working on the show.)

Rating: 3 out of 4

Marvin Suicide

Hosted by the deranged sister of the HAL 9000 (I guess), Marvin Suicide is a half-hour block of avant-garde and otherworldly electronica, but not always. It's really a music free-for-all. It's my "college radio" podcast and I love it!

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

My Silver Mount Zion hosted by Rob and Steve

God, these guys are hilarious! Only six episodes in and already, My Silver Mount Zion's getting some big buzz. In an older episode, Rob and Steve, a pair of British dudes (definitely scores some bonus points in being from bloody England), discuss the deep meanings behind "Friday Night Lights" and profess their love for Kiefer Sutherland on "24". Tune in and get your Brit on!

Rating: 4 out of 4

Reel Reviews hosted by Michael Geoghegan

Reel Reviews is the grab-bag of movie reviews. His last three episodes were for "Sideways," the John Carpenter version of "Assault on Precinct 13," and "Contempt." See what I mean? Worth subscribing to if you want to get some pointers as to what to rent from Blockbuster this week.

Rating: 3 out of 4

The Bitterest Pill hosted by Dan Klass

The funniest dad you'll ever meet. Dan Klass is like the Garrison Keillor of podcasting, giving us humorous rants, while at the same time, weaving stories of such clarity and hilarity that you have to subscribe to his show. He also has a bunch of theme songs for his show that people have sent it (including the dude from Illinoise! and the guys from Chub Creek).

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

The Rock and Roll Geek Show hosted by Michael Butler

Michael Butler, proclaimed a great bassist by the lead singer of the Wildhearts, is also a great podcaster, and one of the first at that. Kickass rock music, fun and funny rock news and banter, interviews with rock celebs, and more! On his last episode, he took us on a soundseeing tour of a strip club, so you know it's quality!

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

The Tragically Nameless Podcast hosted by Deniz Rudin

Loud? Definitely. Vulgar? Certainly. Boring? Quite the opposite, my friend. Every time Deniz Rudin lets out another "Holy f***, awesome!" I'm happy to have subscribed to his show. Very funny, very irreverent, and sometimes he'll actually play music I like! :-) You might wanna watch out for the thirty-minute marathons of ear-piercing music, but that's just my opinion.

Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4

Tracks Up the Tree hosted by Funtime Ben and Josiah

What can I say about this show that has not already been said? The best indie music, the best slacker banter, the best time you'll have on your iPod. I promise. I've gotten into so many different bands thanks to these guys. Click on down to their awesome blog, too, and continue the exploits of Funtime Ben and Jobless Josiah!

Rating: 4 out of 4

Alright, there's my podcast reviews! Now for some awesome blogs I've come across:

The Catbirdseat
A most-excellent MP3 blog where music rocks! The best part of their blog is the monthly mix of free indie music. Highly recommended.

Another great music blog, though this one spends a little too much time making fun of Britney Spears. Whatever. At least the music's cool.

An awesome photoblog where every new photo is accompanied by really good music! Something cool for the eyes and ears...

This one's for my dad 'cause I know he'd like this. Keanerdotnet is the main page of comic artist Kean Soo and on it, he showcases a lot of his work. Like Infrangible, a lot of his comics are accompanied with music. Check out the Secret Friend Society to view his online comic "Jellaby," updated every Tuesday and Thursday.

I've already talked about PostSecret and so I won't bring those up, but those are also very awesome.

Okay, that about ends my insanely long review list, but before I go, I'd like to reward all those that have come this far with some free music!

"Deserted Eyeland" by Devin Davis
(featured on Episode 6 of Jump Cut Radio)

"Concerning Lessons Learned from the Aliens"
by The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers
(I know it's a long-winded band name and song title, but trust me, it's an awesome song!)

"Go Ahead" by Bellglide
(a truly anthemic song, get it now!)

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