Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Cost of Podcasting

As I've been spending my free time catching up on my large list of old podcasts, I came across this old episode of Adam Curry's Daily Source Code where he and Ron Bloom discuss the future of podcasting. One of the questions that is brought up is will podcasting become a commercial or corporate-run operation simply because they have more money than the rest of us? Well, I know our show doesn't have a huge fanbase (yet), but here's how much we've spent on the show so far:

Website and file storage hosting by Liberated Syndication: $5 a month

...and that's it. Five bucks. Every month. We only use one microphone and it's the internal mic that came with my iBook G3. All the software we use is either freeware or shareware (we've been using Sound Studio for episodes 1-3, but had to stop 'cause our free trial ran out). I had to pay a bit for the Jump Cut coffee mug off my online store but that doesn't really go into show expenses. It did give Nathan just about the funniest photo in his entire Flickr album.

So, anyway, this post kinda went nowhere, but I don't care 'cause it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to! On the next episode of Jump Cut Radio, we'll talk about Tarnation and Hotel Rwanda, hopefully. You know the drill, we never end up talking about the stuff I want to talk about! :-)

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