Tuesday, May 24, 2005

New Gorillaz Album, Part Two

I know, this has been "posting overload" over here, but I just got a lot to talk about today. Now, we all know the new Gorillaz album is f*cking amazing, right? But I know some of you are wondering whether you should (a) buy the disc, (b) buy the special edition, or (c) download the thing.

Well, first off, I'd recommend actually going out and purchasing it. I don't advocate downloading music illegally (to an extent), and even if you download it legally, the iTunes Music Store bumped the price up to $12.99, which is about the same price as the physical disc.

I, however, purchased the special edition and highly recommend you do the same, as long as you can find it for under twenty bucks. The bonus DVD includes the sweet music video for "Feel Good Inc." as well as storyboards and commentary. The bonus song "The Swagga" is pretty good also. The two bonus animatics are crap, however. Combined, they provide about a minute of material (seriously) and they're not that funny. I never liked it when they had the animated band talk with cartoony voices (voices that obviously don't belong to Damon Albarn or Jamie Hewlett). Still, I love the packaging that the special edition comes in and, seriously, you can't get a new Gorillaz album without some of Jamie Hewlett's awesome artwork.

There's also a bonus key that unlocks stuff on the Gorillaz website, but I am having trouble figuring out how to unlock the bonus audio download. They gave me a crowbar (not a real one, mind you) that's supposed to pry open a cabinet in the kitchen (one of the levels in the website), but I can't find the cabinet. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Cabinet is in the upper right corner of the kitchen on the First Floor of the Kong Studio. Takes a while to use the crowbar on the lock (was for me at least), but it should work eventually. After that it should be easy to figure out how to get the song, "Happy Landfill."

Hope that works or something, heh.

Devin said...

Yes, it worked! Thank you!