Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I Heart Vinyl

I Heart Vinyl
Originally uploaded by devpd.

Since I've returned home, I've taken a keen interest in purchasing vinyl, that old-timey music format, remember? Anyhoo, the reason for this is because my house is equipped with a very nice record player. So far, I've purchased a Decemberists EP and an Arcade Fire single (pictured above).

Also, I've taken the liberty of adding a sh*tload of new photos, as well as a whole bunch of new t-shirt designs, so stop on by both those places and check 'em out!

I've also added a new section on the online store called "Devin's Deals," where every month, I'll showcase five new items on the store and offer them at a discounted price. Only thing is that if you want them at the discounted price, you have to buy them from the "Devin's Deals" section. The same items can be found at the storefront (or the Jump Cut Radio section), but they'll be offered at the usual retail price.

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