Thursday, May 19, 2005

"Um...I was under the impression that this is a MOVIE blog!"

Yeah, sorry I haven't really been staying on topic over here at D-Films HQ. Let's get our bearings together, shall we?

I snatched up the Life Aquatic Criterion DVD and it is most supremely awesome. Haven't had a chance to catch the special features on the second disc, but I did see all the deleted scenes on Disc 1. A lot of them were snippets or extensions of scenes that made it into the film, which were cut because it made the scene too long or, more likely, the joke didn't work. Still, most of them were quite funny.

Is it just me or is The Life Aquatic turning out to be the black sheep of the Wes Anderson family? Critics panned it, it received squat during the Oscars. The odd thing was that my friend Eric, who was unimpressed with The Royal Tenenbaums, loved Life Aquatic. Go figure! :-)

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