Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Big Fat Independent Movie Weekend!

Wow, it's been a while since there've been a large number of movies that look interesting that're all being released at the same time. This Friday, not one, not two, but FIVE cool movies are coming to theaters (unfortunately, a couple are limited releases), but here's the rundown:

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Since all the kids who saw The Nightmare Before Christmas in theaters are all growed up (and have money), Disney has seen a resurgance in sales of Nightmare Before Christmas-related merch. Maybe that's why they green-lighted this new film, the second Burton-produced film using stop-motion animation. Still, it looks very good and with an all-star cast backing it (Johnny Depp of course, Helena Bonham Carter, Tracey Ullman, Albert Finney, and Christopher Lee) it looks like it's gonna be another hit for Tim Burton, still enjoying the successes of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Big Fish. See the trailer here.

UPDATE: I just remembered that Warner Bros. is making this one, not Disney. Whoops!

Just Like Heaven
Yeah, I know. It's like Ghost, except the ghost's a chick this time. Anyway, I'd be inclined to see this one at matinee price. Mark Ruffalo is pretty funny and so is Reese Witherspoon. Jon Heder's presence makes me think he got thrown into the film just so they could cash in on the Napoleon Dynamite craze, but we'll have to find out, won't we? See the trailers here and here.

Lord of War
Um...yeah, what happened to The Weather Man? With that said, this new movie starring Nicholas Cage looks very kickass, and it's written and directed by Andrew Niccol, who wrote The Truman Show and wrote and directed Gattaca. Impressive resumé. Also, Ian Holm's in the movie, apparently. Wheee, trailers!

Everything is Illuminated
Elijah Wood stars in this film about a Jewish American who searches for the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II. From looking at the trailer, it looks very quirky and very good. Right now, it'll only be in select cities, but I'm hoping for a wide release. It's also the directorial debut of Liev Schreiber, who played the presidental candidate in the Manchurian Candidate remake.

I've saved the best for last, as this film directed by Mike Mills, whose background includes music videos for Air and Moby, looks like an independent film destined to become a classic. Newcomer Lou Pucci heads an all-star cast (Tilda Swinton, Vince Vaughn, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Keanu Reeves) in this tale of overcoming addiction (of thumbsucking) and repairing the bonds of family. See the teaser and main trailer.

My friend Lance recently told me that Junebug's gonna be playing at the Mayfaire 16, this freakishly huge movie theater in Wilmington. This is awesome news and I will definitely try and see it this weekend (if we're allowed back on campus).

Previously: Devin gets really pissed off 'cause Junebug's not playing in North Carolina.

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