Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jump Cut fading problems arise!

Alright, so I just finished cancelling my service with Liberated Syndication, effectively ending Jump Cut Radio. You now have about two months to download all the episodes from the show, so get busy! :-)

In other news, a new problem surfaced. You see, in addition to using LibSyn as my web hosting client for podcasts, I was also using them as storage space for images, MP3s and video files. Well, with me leaving LibSyn, I'm also leaving my web storage behind. That means that I need a new place to host all my files (one of those files is the header at the top of this blog). If anyone out there knows a cheap and, preferably, easy web hosting service (I don't want to pay more than ten bucks a month), please send me an e-mail!

Meanwhile, I've just received the album Broom by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Pretty good so far, but the single "Oregon Girl" is still the best thing on it. Here's a couple of free tracks:

"House Fire" (MP3)

"Bigger Than Yr Yard (Non-Album Track)" (MP3)

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